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People can change their habits by reducing the waste that they use, and choosing reusable products instead of disposables which are less sustainable. Additionally, people can turn off their lights whenever they aren’t being used and use more LED light bulbs which use less electrical energy. They can also use both sides of the paper. Research shows that American businesses throw away 21 million tons of paper each year. Paper is made from trees and trees are part of nature. If we are excessively using natural resources, we are destroying the nature. Recycling newspaper is also an important fact in our daily lives (Source).

Come and let's work together!

Furthermore, people can change their attitudes and beliefs by paying a bit more attention about recycling and global issues. If something can be recycled, please do because that is a “great” help for the natural environment. Increasing recycling will help to reduce carbon dioxide released. By taking more effort to help the environment, you can make a difference for the world. There are animals and other living things in the world are suffering from rapid climate change and they are not able to adjust to the “new” environment where it is full of dirt and gas pollution (Source).


To "Re"cycle

People can volunteer for NGOs such as Greenpeace. Solving difficulties from the global issues such as oceans,climate change, forests, toxic pollution, ecological farming, and nuclear. However, citizen has the opportunity to participate in different kind of saving environmental events and people are permit to inform or comment to the government by any global issues (Source).


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